There’s a better way to manage projects.
I’ve worked within the PMO for close to two decades and have spent the past dozen years working as a project management consultant for large corporate clients. No matter what the industry was or how “mature” the PMO was, one thing was virtually always true…
The way they managed projects was complicated, took way longer that it needed to, and rarely produced the predictable and consistent results it was supposed to. Worst of all, no one could ever tell me why it had to be that way. Everyone agreed it didn’t work, but kept on doing the same things project after project, mumbling sarcastic complaints about “the process”.
I decided to start a website that showed how projects can be managed differently – a way that was simpler, faster, and focused on what really matters throughout the life of a project. Not another methodology, but a different mindset, one that focuses on achieving results with as little as needed rather than with as much as possible.
It’s not about management advice that makes the author sound smart in a white paper but only works in theoretical, best case scenarios . Things have to work in the real world on real projects – ones with team members of different experience levels, unclear requirements, and shifting organizational priorities.
It’s not about inventing new ways to produce volumes of useless bureaucratic paperwork that no one actually reads and only exists because…well, nobody really knows why it exists but you better spell check it and don’t forget it needs to be reviewed and approved.
It’s absolutely not about endlessly tweaking document templates in the hopes of someday perfecting the inconsequential.
It’s about cutting through all that exhausting clutter and putting attention back on the essential components of the project.
It’s going to take some time, but since everything needs to start somewhere, this is where I’ll be starting from. My hope is that like minded project managers can learn, find inspiration, and share their own insights that will lead to change, because working together and getting things done really doesn’t need to be so hard.
Rich Butkevic, PMP, CSM
AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud
Recent article on CEOWorld by Rich Butkevic discussing the differences between the big three cloud providers - Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
The PM’s Guide to Vendor Selection
Recent article on ProProfs by Rich Butkevic discussing how project managers can improve the process of selecting vendors.
Requirements Traceability
I wanted to share an article of mine that was published not long ago that discusses the importance of traceability - I think it's VITAL that project managers understand this thoroughly. You can give that piece a read and see my other articles at the link below: Rich...
Upcoming Meeting for Wisconsin Agile & Scrum Practitioners User Group – Automation & Ansible
The next meeting of the Wisconsin Agile & Scrum Practitioners User Group will be held on November 19th and I will facilitate a discussion about how project managers can take advantage of automation, specifically using the open source tool Ansible. For more...
The Art of PMO Workshop Dates
New dates for "The Art of PMO" workshop series have been announced and registration will be opening soon! Find the dates and locations here: https://artofpmo.com
What to Watch Out for When Making Project Decision
Project Managers not only need to make decisions individually, but they also need to guide entire teams through a process that ultimately results in decisions being made that best serve the needs of the project. The article below discusses what are known as cognitive...
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius…and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius…and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” - E.F. Schumacher
Project Management is the Train Engine that Moves the Organization Forward.
“Operations keep the lights on, strategy provides the light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward” – Joy Gumz
RFI, RFP, SOW, MSA, Contract – What’s the Difference?
You may have recently been promoted to take on more project management responsibilities and you are eager to do your part. Or, you are still contemplating a career that involves project management, and you are now looking to find out more details about what is...
What Project Managers Need to Know About Scrum
In a poll of nearly 5,000 individuals conducted by the Scrum Alliance, 87% believed that Scrum made their team better. Moreover, 95% of those who used Scrum would continue using Scrum. Scrum is a type of agile framework designed to promote iterative, flexible...
A Project Manager’s Guide to Effective Lessons Learned Meetings
As a project manager, you recognize that there are a lot more responsibilities for you to consider that go beyond what happens day to day on various job sites. The past efforts of your organization will have a major impact on your current abilities to get work done...
If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing.
“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing” - W.Edwards Deming